Mary Russell
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What’s next?


Having received a Kindle for Christmas I am now really getting into using it. And, great news, my book The Blessings of a Good Thick Skirt, is to be published as an e book. No money in that but good nevertheless…

 March 1
Just finished reviewing Simon Montefiore’s tome on the city of Jerusalem for The Irish Times. A marathon effort – both to write and to review.
Also, just  back from Roskilde, Denmark which has a stupendous Viking Boat Museum.
Am now writing about it and its connection to Dublin and Waterford.

March 8th
International Women’s Day and the 100th anniversary of its foundation.
Am guest speaker at the Women’s Network event in the Temple Bar Hotel, Dublin.
 Title of talk: Hearing, Listening and a Little Light Music. Will also be talking about my forthcoming travel book on Syria.

March 9th
Reading from my upcoming travel book on Syria at the Library Bar, Central Hotel, Exchequer St, Dublin.
Dublin, by the way, has been designated a UNESCO city of literature.
March 10th
To the Lowry, in Salford ( UK) to see Propeller’s production of Richard lll. Propeller is an all-male company, directed by Ed Hall, son of Peter.
This production is at the Galway Theatre festival on June 18th.
I’ll be interviewing Richard Clothier who plays Richard and Jon Trenchard who plays the Lady Ann. Read about it later in The Irish Times.

 March 10th
Not in Dublin for it but the latest Mark Thomas show Walking the Wall is not to be missed. At the Academy, Dublin and elsewhere.
Read my interview with him and feature on his show here:

March 12th
To the Royal Court to see The Heretic, London’s must-see production this season.

March 18th
Hosting musical evening in Oxford: Ceol agus Craic with guitars, electric fiddle and loads of  vocalists.

April 15
Depart for Singapore and beyond….
Back three weeks later.

June 30
Start of Tall Ships Race 2011 at Waterford. This is going to be a marvellous weekend.

July  9th
To the Old Vic to see my second performance this year of Richard lll with Kevin Spacey playing Richard. Directed by Sam Mendes.

July 15th
David Cameron shows little understanding of culture and history in suggesting May Day ( old Celtic spring festival,  celebrated in Oxford as May Morning) should be relocated to the Autumn.
This year, therefore, I have decided to attend the Tolpuddle Martyrs Weekend. Read about this small but significant moment in Britain’s social history:

Click here to view what happened in 2010

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